Wednesday Window: the ground beneath my feet


Green face with hair
Green face with hair

I like looking at the ground when I go on walks. It stops me from losing my balance, tripping and falling and occasionally, I catch sight of funny things that are there. I am not sure if this was some sort of manhole cover or some sort of other useful plate, but when I saw it, I thought it looked like a green face with hair. 😉

10 thoughts on “Wednesday Window: the ground beneath my feet

  1. Oh No – ‘Manhole’ Cover not PC.

    Personhole Cover please. Or that’s what the thought Police would say.

    I just love your blog and I love the photographs. I visit at least three times a week and look forward to the Wednesday Window in particular.

  2. @ mrs K, sorry about not being PC, I am not a native speaker, and therefore have to be forgiven many things 😉
    @ endment, so delighted you are back

    Thanks everyone!

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