Happy birthday, Norma!

Norma, aka Nonie Vogue is one on my oldest friends on flickr. Oldest because I “befriended” her in my very first flickr day, back in January 2005 and oldest because she just turned 86.
I already blogged about Norma, who’s always been an artist, here. She is an artist, a quilter, a photographer and of late, she’s taken up drawing people!

2009-05-09  me, myself and I

Self-portraits by Norma McGuire

nonie.jpgI’m not sure which one, or if any of them really look like me!
It is my birthday today!
I was born in a house at Broadway and Heather Street, in Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
Some of my dear flickr friends know my age, but not many… so here goes.
The year was 1923. I am 86 years young!
I am truly blessed with three fine sons and their families. I have been given many talents.
I am amazed that two months ago I discovered I could draw people… With practice (lots of it) they are getting better… and I am enjoying a full life.
You, my dear flickr friends, add to my joy and happiness. With love. Norma.

This is so wonderful to me! It means that you should never think that you are too old to learn something new, to start new experiments.

Please go and visit Norma’s sketches and if you click on her self-portraits above, you’ll get to her flickr photo and can wish her a happy 86th birthday there.

And here’s a virtual bouquet that I know she’ll like, as she commented on flickr.


Happy 86th birthday, Norma!

Many happy returns, Norma and keep learning new things (big hug)

11 thoughts on “Happy birthday, Norma!

  1. Happy Birthday, Norma. As a fellow Octogenarian I salute you for your wonderful attitude. I will be 84 on the 29th of this month and I share your feeling that we are never too old to learn or start something new.

    It’s nice to meet another lady who is daring. And it is so nice of you, Claude, to introduce us.

  2. Claude: When I click on Flickr I get my own account, not Norma McGuire’s.
    Isn’t it fascinating that she should discover a latent talent in her 80’s!

  3. Bonjour!
    I was sent a link to your photos by a friend here in the US that knows I love Paris and photography, and am a retired teacher, AND am coming to Paris again in 13 days for 3 weeks! Maybe we can find each other. I also have http://birminghamalabamadailyphoto.blogspot.com in addition to the Paris photoblog I gave when I signed in. Will enjoy finding all your wonderful photos.

  4. Happy birthday, Norma (I think of you as Nonie from seeing your comments on Flickr!)! You are an inspiration for sure! I am another perennial learner and am sure I will never stop – love your drawings! Thanks, Claude, for celebrating Norma!

  5. Wow! Thanks Claude!
    You befriended me at a time when I really needed it, just a month after the passing of my husband of 57 years. You are very special to me, Claude, and an inspiration as well.

  6. I wished Norma a belated happy BDay on her Flickr stream. My Mother was born in Vancouver BC in May of 1924. Thanks for the links Claude. I love Norma’s pictures.

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