Moving on

I want to thank you all for the encouraging comments on my last post.
As the title of this post states it, I think it’s time for me to move on. I have never been much of a writer, but I guess that I needed to write about what I had been.
Now my life style has changed and although Blogging in Paris will stay online, with its five or so years of regular and irregular posting, I am moving to a new venture, one that started at the beginning of 2009, urged by one of my flickr friends and brilliant photographers, AuntieP, in which I try to take and post at least one photo a day.

Grand Palais glass roof

I am on day 178 as I only started the project on January 2nd of 2009.
The result of my efforts will be posted at a new blog, one that I started a week or so ago, called, what else, PhotoBlogging in Paris.

Those of you who like photos can go there and I’ll be delighted to see their comments if any

Some news

Got a mail from Millie Garfield yesterday. She made me realise how little I have been blogging lately.
I have been on jury duty since April 27 and still have three weeks to go.
Of course, there’s not much I can tell about this, except that my days are full, that I feel like I’ve gone back to work while I was a happy retiree.
When it’s all over, it will make me cherish my retirement even more.
Meanwhile, I am basically trying to focus on a minimum of physical exercise, mainly walking, and also trying to continue my taking and posting one photo a day on flickr .

Smoking break outside a restaurant

One of them has seen me

So this is my excuse for not blogging, but I must admit that my blogging has been pretty lame for the last year, I do feel like I have little to say and that writing is not my favourite mode of expression.
When jury duty is over, I might just resort to just posting photos or dropping the whole thing altogether.

Life size

This week, for some reason, I came across quite a few graffiti, pasteups and other forms of street art

Here yesterday, gone today

He was as tall as me

and was there Monday and had either fallen from the wall for want of glue or been taken away on Tuesday!

Sitting on a wall

Sitting on a wall

Notice the woman’s face on her dress?

Who's watching whom?

She turned round to look at the cat

The caption says something like “the regular visitor that haunts the place”. I’m willing to accept any better translation 😀

Happy birthday, Norma!

Norma, aka Nonie Vogue is one on my oldest friends on flickr. Oldest because I “befriended” her in my very first flickr day, back in January 2005 and oldest because she just turned 86.
I already blogged about Norma, who’s always been an artist, here. She is an artist, a quilter, a photographer and of late, she’s taken up drawing people!

2009-05-09  me, myself and I

Self-portraits by Norma McGuire

nonie.jpgI’m not sure which one, or if any of them really look like me!
It is my birthday today!
I was born in a house at Broadway and Heather Street, in Vancouver, B.C. Canada.
Some of my dear flickr friends know my age, but not many… so here goes.
The year was 1923. I am 86 years young!
I am truly blessed with three fine sons and their families. I have been given many talents.
I am amazed that two months ago I discovered I could draw people… With practice (lots of it) they are getting better… and I am enjoying a full life.
You, my dear flickr friends, add to my joy and happiness. With love. Norma.

This is so wonderful to me! It means that you should never think that you are too old to learn something new, to start new experiments.

Please go and visit Norma’s sketches and if you click on her self-portraits above, you’ll get to her flickr photo and can wish her a happy 86th birthday there.

And here’s a virtual bouquet that I know she’ll like, as she commented on flickr.


Happy 86th birthday, Norma!

Many happy returns, Norma and keep learning new things (big hug)