Walking to and from Musée Marmottan


I must say that with winter and cold weather, my walking takes me quite a lot to museums and exhibitions since I’m lucky enough to live in a city that provides quite a lot of those.
Now, is it that I’ve seen too many of those, lately? Or is it that I was in a bad exhibition mood on that day?
I had decided to walk to Musée Marmottan, 2,6kms according to my iPhone map, except for the fact that I managed to get lost and probably walk longer 😀

La Seine from Pont Beaugrenelle

View from Pont de Grenelle

It was really freezing cold that day and my steps took me across Pont de Grenelle to the Right Bank of the Seine where Musée Marmottan is.

Musée Marmottan now houses mostly Claude Monet‘s paintings and has a special exhibition at the moment called Monet, l’œil impressionniste. A lot in the exhibition focuses on medical details about Monet’s eyes and how it influenced his art.
Well, I didn’t enjoy it, probably because I’m not all that interested in medical details, or even in Monet, I guess.
I don’t think I had ever seen that many Monet paintings gathered in a same place and am ashamed to admit he is not my favourite painter.
Probably because I am an ignoramus and don’t understand much about painting and art and also because I am more interested in the drawing and the composition than the colours?
Well, I really don’t know but it just didn’t appreciate the place the way some of my friends had.
On the way back, it was even more freezing, but this is what I saw on either side of the bridge

Eiffel tower, seen from Pont Beaugrenelle

The Eiffel Tower, seen from Pont de Beaugrenelle

What I like about rivers is that whenever you cross them, even if the view is always the same, the light never is!

Looking at Front de Seine

Rosy clouds mirrored in Front de Seine building

About the top photo, if you are wondering what that bateau-mouche is doing astride the river, it was taking a U-turn, the way those boats do it.

Meeting a fellow photographer


Today, I met Monceau, a flickr friend and we went to Cimetière du Père Lachaise.
It was our second cemetery walk together. The last time was back in November 2007 and we had gone to Cimetière du Montparnasse.
We met outside the cemetery and chatted while walking around and taking photos.
I told her about the hundreds of photos sitting on my hard disk, unprocessed and waiting for me to find time to have a serious look at. I mentioned walking and ElderExercise and she asked me if I had a pedometer.
I said that of course I did and we both got our pedometers out and guess what?

identical pedometers

We have identical pedometers!

I have been to Père Lachaise many a time. I never really look for specific graves and just go wherever my steps take me, except of course when going with Leo and Elly Reynolds who always have specific goals. So I knew that Marcel Proust‘s grave was there but I had no idea where.
Well today we came across it.

Marcel Proust

With Proust’s famed madeleine on it

We actually walked by the grave as two men, holding a bag of madeleines, and enjoying one passed us. I didn’t see them put the madeleine on the stone, but there it was, ready to be photographed. 😉
We spent three or four hours there and enjoyed gorgeous sunshine. So much so that now and then we complained that the sun was preventing us from taking adequate photos, because of unwanted shadows.
There’s no pleasing some people. 😉

sleeping with a dead leaf

Sleeping lady

We will, no doubt take another walk together. I haven’t been to Cimetière Montmartre in a long time. So when I go, I’ll give Monceau a call.

Lily of the valley for good luck


May 1st, — le 1er mai– , is a bank holiday in France —un jour férié–, and traditionally, people offer their family, friends or relatives a sprig of lily of the valley for good luck.
Although the weather was uncertain that day, I went for a walk and took a few photos.

Traditional Lily of the valley

Lily of the valley – muguet

Closed on May 1st

Shops are closed

And on that day, anyone and everyone is allowed to sell lily of the valley on the street.

selling lily of the valley

Selling lily of the valley

Either she just got her sprig, or they are going to offer it to some friends or relatives.

Just got her bouquet

Just got hers!

Lily of the valley

And here’s some of mine

Fragonard at Musée Jacquemart-André


A visit to Musée Jacquemart-André is always a treat.


A treat because it’s such a beautiful museum, located Boulevard Haussmann. It hosts incredible collections all gathered by patrons of the arts, Edouard André and his wife, Nélie Jacquemart, and a treat, because the museum restaurant offers scrumptious plates and tasty pastries in an incredible setting!

Musée Jacquemart-André restaurant

At the moment, it hosts paintings and drawings by Fragonard. I enjoyed the exhibition, although I must admit drawings and etchings are more difficult for me to appreciate than paintings.

Musée Jacquemart-André

Of course, no photographs are allowed in the rooms dedicated to Fragonard, but I took some photos on the way to the exhibition like this gorgeous Tiepolo fresco.

I had a salade au foie gras, decorated with grapes, raspberries, which did not only taste great but also looked wonderfully autumnal.

Autumn colours

When we got out, as it was a lovely day, I walked back home, along avenue Montaigne, spotting old fashion designer plates on the pavement, like Jeanne Paquin’s


and walking past the Eiffel Tower to finally get home.

Eiffel Tower

Quite a long enjoyable walk.

Inklings of spring?

I know it’s much too early to be mentioning spring, but on a sunny day, when you see

daffodils, raising their yellow heads in a public garden,

People feeling that it’s warm enough to sit on a bench

and read in the sun

Even tights in this shopwindow are so colourful that they’re just calling for spring!

colourful tights
Striped and colourful

and old ladies go out for a walk… (I actually missed the appropriate shot here. The car on the right was backing up and she stopped it with her cane! But my camera was too slow to catch it)

rue du Bac, fighting cars
Spring must be on its way!