Daylight saving time?

This and That
“Blogging in Paris”
Blogging in Paris


Sketching at the UffizziSketching at the Uffizzi


Almost missed my dentist appointment today as I had forgotten to set my watch on the right time. A good thing the computer does it on its own or I would have been late. I was happily processing my photos of Florence when I realised I had to go.
I have added links to Blogging in Florence (2), and have updated it with photos and photosets.
Of course taking photos at the Uffizzi was forbidden so I took a photo of this lady who was sketching on the Terrace. I always envy people who can do that but my fairy godmother has totally forgotten to endow me with this gift, which must go together with map-reading 😉

On a daily basis, I upload quite a lot of photos onto my flickr account, but I choose one a day, which I blog at Claude’s Daily Snap

6 thoughts on “Daylight saving time?

  1. I love the photo. Must disagree with you: sketching and map-reading have nothing to do with each other. You can learn to sketch (and have fun while learning)(if you want to) from “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards, even if you don’t think you can. Learning to map-read is a different story!

  2. J’ai souvent pensé à toi Claude pendant que j’étais à Madride, au Prado, au Reine Sofia et au Musée Thyssen… Je te savais à Florence et j’ai aimé ton message ami lu rapidement dans un cybercafé. Je viens d’atterrir et je me réjouis de partager ces merveilles avec toi. A bientôt.

  3. Photo is really interesting and so is the book savtadotty mentioned. The premise and instructions the author puts forth create some interesting results. Has been years since I dabbled with it after the book first was published.

    Regretfully, I don’t get to go to Florence, per your helpful suggestion, Claude, because I’ve figured out what the problem was with your blog on my computer. Seems to have been an operator problem as a consequence of failure of patience to wait for I was quite convinced the signal was being intercepted by either a bird or a crab, but have now put those creative tech solutions to rest. 🙂

    Henceforth, any comments I may have will be focused on the content of your blog.

  4. Thanks to Semilingual Lucyd for trusting my words half knowing their meaning.
    I wish I would be more at ease with English, I do my best but get easyly lost.
    One good thing… people meeting on Claude’s blog are all sweet.
    I visit you sometimes Golden Lucy and I have great pleasure doing it.
    While Claude was in Florence I was in Madrid and I’m doing my best to set my pictures online soon.
    I’ll clame it! Hope meeting you soon.
    Semilingual Musarde

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