At London Zoo, back in April

I love zoos but photographing animals is a real challenge.

London Zoo marmoset

sad-looking marmoset

Marmosets are such small creatures, always in movement and you have to catch them so that you don’t see too much of their cage! Not much light for photographs there either.


friendly llama

Llamas are easier to catch. They are bigger, and are not in cages.

Standing guard

Standing guard

I find meerkats almost impossible to photograph. They’re always moving about and are so quick!

9 thoughts on “At London Zoo, back in April

  1. Hi Claude – I used to follow your blog but when I started my own somehow I lost you. I’m glad I found you again because I love Paris and love your photography. You are now on my blog roll so this won’t happen again.

  2. wonderful photos, as usual. I especially love the marmoset. Perhaps they keep the cages darkish so zoo goers can see these little night animals move about.

  3. Great photos of those animals! I used to try and get shots of pigeons at the beach but as soon as I got close to them, they would fly away. Their hearing is a lot better than mine. 😉

  4. Beautiful, Claude. Are you coming back to the zoo in Saint-Aignan this summer? Let us know if you do plan a trip. We don’t have any Paris trips planned because it’s gardening season. Bises…

  5. I found your blog via Time Goes By… Superb shots of difficult subjects – je vais aller au zoo d’Atlanta la semaine prochaine – I hope I’ll get some good shots too.

  6. HA, I went to our Birmingham Zoo last week and took a photo of a llama very similar to this. I think we have so many connections,
    we must have been friends in another life! I’m enjoying your blog very much.

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