Grow old with me

Blogging in Paris


Growing old together


John Lennon (1940 – 1980)
Grow old along with me
The best is yet to be
When our time has come
We will be as one
God bless our love

Grow old along with me
Two branches of one tree
Face the setting sun
When the day is done
God bless our love

Spending our lives together
Man and wife together
World without end

Grow old along with me
Whatever fate decrees
We will see it through
For our love is true
God bless our love

  1. I took this photo in the gardens at Beningbrough Hall, Yorkshire, UK. More photos here
  2. With a thought for Roland, my husband, who isn’t growing old with me.
  3. Thank you Michelle at MandarinDesign, who will never grow old, for the layout of this post –and all the others.

10 thoughts on “Grow old with me

  1. Beautiful photo and sentiment but also sad. Your Roland, and Joy’s husband too won’t grow old. I wish every young couple in love could grow together and end up on a park bench reading to eachother when they’re old.

  2. Well, you have done it again. That is a “great” photo and it says so much. It speaks volumes I think about the relationship of those two folks. Thanks for sharing… 🙂

  3. Your post is very touching and certainly brings to mind my husband who I lost 17 yrs ago…he was 59. But I think it’s so critcally important to go forward and to embrace whoever is in your life as you grow old…and from reading your blog I know that you are doing that.

  4. I love all the photos you take but this one had a special message.

    It made me stop and think how lucky I was to have shared my life with my husband for 38 years. What a gift that was.

    Now, as Ginnie said, we have to embrace whatever and whoever is in our life today and make the most of it.

    Blogging does it for me, my life would be dull and empty without it. I can’t wait to get up in the morning to see what my blogging buddies are up to.

    Thanks to all of you for keeping my spirits up!

  5. That was our plan….wasn’t it Claude? To grow old with our husbands and experience the full life cycle from young adult to senior citizen. Some plans fall through; but I’m a believer in love and in life. There’s a lot out there to be given…and gotten.

  6. A photo that says so much, Claude, as do so many of the photos you take. Whoever the loved ones are in our lives today, treasure every moment, because we never know which moment may be the last — whatever our age.

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